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Tape's corners are angled instead of rounded, as if the characters were constructed with folded tape. Vafle Small Caps enhances the family with a set of small ...
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BC Vafle | Introduction | 1/7

Vafle Definition

At the turn of 2005 and 2006, Wafle Two had a facelift. It was necessary to carry out some minor corrections in the proportions and weight of the upper case, lower case and numerals. Missing glyphs were added to the char­acter set, along with accented charac­ ters or most Latin script languages. The resulting face was finaly named Vafle Classic. Similarly, its stencil version, Vafle Stencil, adopted the new and complex morphology. The family was further augmented with a number of new members. Vafle Blindy has filled-out counters, Vafle Scratch features scratches and Vafle Shadow casts an elegant shadow. This last variation can be used independently or in combination with Vafle Classic. In the monospaced version, Vafle Mono, all the letters take up exactly the same width. Vafle Tape’s corners are angled instead of rounded, as if the characters were constructed with folded tape. Vafle Small Caps enhances the family with a set of small caps which have the exact same x-height as the lower case, thus allowing unicase setting by combining it with the Vafle Classic lower case. Vafle Condensed and Vafle Extended are – typically – condensed and extended iterations of Vafle Classic. Vafle Egyptienne features square slab serifs, adding a slab variation to this sans serif family. Arrows, frames and other assorted glyphs are accomodated in the Vafle Picto font.

Basic info

Number of fonts in a family: 12 (Blindy, Classis, Condensed, Egyptienne, Extended, Mono, Picto, Scratch, Shadow, Small Caps, Stencil, Tape) Number of glyphs per font: 406, 172 (Picto) Release date: 2014

OpenType Features

Fractions (frac) Localized Forms (locl) Case Sensitive Forms (case) Standard Ligatures (liga) Slashed Zero (zero)

Copyright © 2014 Briefcase Type Foundry | All rights reserved |

BC Vafle | Specimen | 2/7


Tape Mono Egyptienne Shadow Blindy ” Following manufacturer’s instructions, cook waffles until deep brown and crisp. (For a standard waffle iron, pour a generous ½ cup of batter into center, spreading to within ½ inch of edges, and close; waffle will cook in 2 to 3 minutes.)

small caps

sugar q Preheat waffle iron according to manufacturer’s instructions. In a large bowl, whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt; set aside.

Scratch Stencil

ƒ In a small bowl, whisk milk and eggs; pour over flour mixture, and whisk gently to combine (don’t overmix). Gently whisk in butter.



Picto: +#3;WXYZ pqrstu ¤¦¥§¨© ·¸¹º»¼ ÉÊËÌÍÎ

Copyright © 2014 Briefcase Type Foundry | All rights reserved |

BC Vafle | Text Settings | 3/7

Ortheilbronn land die farbe rhein bäden énu tischender dichte weiniz weiten. BC Vafle Blindy 20/24 pt

Programalargo minicinicas que ratsing dimunica este res futural edición ends BC Vafle Classic 20/24 pt

Ensi af sær ønske smindel håns for over for barer den nyhed. Skrifét rykker merciellykke BC Vafle Condensed 20/24 pt

Ortheilbronn land eurortend weites em berlicht die a farbe rhein bädern BC Vafle Egyptienne 20/24 pt

Ortheilbronn land eurortend swu weitem berlicht die farbe rheinsd BC Vafle Extended 20/24 pt

Programalargo minicinicas si que ratsindimunica este ress BC Vafle Mono 20/24 pt

Copyright © 2014 Briefcase Type Foundry | All rights reserved |

BC Vafle | Text Settings | 4/7

Ensi af sr nske smindel 4 uz hns for over barer den BC Vafle Picto 20/24 pt

Ortheilbronn land eurortend weitem si berlicht die farbe rhein bädern tische BC Vafle Scratch 20/24 pt

Ortheilbronn land eurortendsu weits emberlicht die farbe rhein bädern énu BC Vafle Shadow 20/24 pt

programalargo minicinicas quesa die ratsindimunica este res futural zwic BC Vafle Small Caps 20/24 pt

Ensi af sær ønske smindel håns for me over barer den nyhed. Skrifét rykkeres BC Vafle Stencil 20/24 pt

Ortheilbronn land eurortend weitem berlich ender dichte we weiten. Berlin BC Vafle Tape 20/24 pt

Copyright © 2014 Briefcase Type Foundry | All rights reserved |

BC Vafle | Text Settings | 5/7

Etmauris ut leo justo condimentum magna ut pretra et curabiturpis sed. Tortoreu ac donec gravida lor tincidunt at orci nunc hamiburge ero a. Arcutemper curabitur

Necpartur libero ulla mollis praesentumst vest tincidunt malesuada veni vitae aliquat

BC Vafle Blindy 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Blindy 12/16 pt

Tratado sociedade a embajo ano freconómicas patrociencialida traducción del consecuencia actual. Interoperiente inio sea de nueva recoja oficiose punte medicinio largo. Hacenco

Sefuturales con esterior vidad comunicasión cance hemos inte profesivamente siste.

BC Vafle Classic 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Classic 12/16 pt

Medden ikker gener designproces også skes brugt somhed. Ligøkonkreve meger asmindelesprografi er selvfølge at og en nemført det er. Denog godt det træderfart spild over alt designet er et ogstadigitale.

Gammetid ikke måskel ingssyste lettelefte munic funktion frem denneske design at en. Medde

BC Vafle Condensed 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Condensed 12/16 pt

Vielgen einreiburg zu legen berühmt see ganze der sinn viele im sammlung greibenabers jahr freiseziele kocher hiedlicht dern her tischer ihrerben

Schlandkloster aufstez reichtvolle weit hiedlichen größter ab behen kurpfahlt

BC Vafle Egyptienne 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Egyptienne 12/16 pt

Etmauris ut leo justo condimentum magna ut pretra et curabiturpis sed. Tortoreu ac donec gravida lor tincidunt at orci nunc hamiburge ero

Necpartur libero ulla mollis praesentumst vest tincidunt malesuada veni

BC Vafle Extended 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Extended 12/16 pt

Tratado sociedade a embajo ano ofreconómicas patrociencialida traducción del consecuencia actual. Interoperiente inio

Sefuturales con dues esterior vidad comunicasión cance hemos

BC Vafle Mono 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Mono 12/16 pt

Copyright © 2014 Briefcase Type Foundry | All rights reserved |

BC Vafle | Text Settings | 6/7

Medden ikker gener esignproces ogs skes brugt somhed. Ligkonkreve meger Denog godt det trdasmindelesprografi er

Gammetid ikke mskel ingssyste lettelefte munic funktion frem

BC Vafle Picto 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Picto 12/16 pt

Vielgen einreiburg zu legen berühmt see ganze der sinn viele im sammlung greibenabers jahr freiseziele kocher hiedlicht dern her tischer ihrerben pfahlbauten

Schlandkloster aufstez reichtvolle weit hiedlichen größter ab behen kurpfahlt

BC Vafle Scratch 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Scratch 12/16 pt

Etmauris ut leo justo condimentum magna ut pretra et curabiturpis sed. Tortoreu ac donec gravida lor tincidunt at orci nunc hamiburge ero a. Arcutemper curabitur

Necpartur libero ulla mollis praesentumst vest tincidunt malesuada veni vitae aliquat

BC Vafle Shadow 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Shadow 12/16 pt

Tratado sociedade a embajo ano ofreconómicas patrociencialida traducción del consecuencia actual. Interoperiente inio sea de nueva recoja oficiose punte medicinio largo. Hacenco

Sefuturales con esterior vidad comunicasión cance hemos inte profesivamente siste.

BC Vafle Small Caps 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Small Caps 12/16 pt

Medden ikker gener designproces også skes brugt somhed. Ligøkonkreve meger asmindelesprografi er selvfølge at og en nemført det er. Denog godt det træderfart

Gammetid ikke måskel ingssyste lettelefte munic funktion frem denneske

BC Vafle Stencil 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Stencil 12/16 pt

Vielgen einreiburg zu legen berühmt see ganze der sinn viele im sammlung greibenabers jahr freiseziele kocher hiedlicht dern her tischer ihrerben pfahlbauten

Schlandkloster aufstez reichtvolle weit hiedlichen größter ab behen kurpfahlt

BC Vafle Tape 8/12 pt

BC Vafle Tape 12/16 pt

Copyright © 2014 Briefcase Type Foundry | All rights reserved |

BC Vafle | Character Set | 7/7




a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z æ ŋ ð ij œ ø þ á ă â ä à ā ą å ã ć č ç ĉ ċ ď đ é ĕ ě ê ë ė è ē ę ğ ĝ ģ ġ ħ ĥ í ĭ î ï ì ī į ĩ i ĵ ķ ĺ ľ ļ ŀ ł ń ň ņ ñ ó ŏ ô ö ò ő ō ŕ ř ŗ ś š ş ŝșŧťţțúŭûüùűūųůũẃŵẅẁýŷÿỳźžż�


Currency, Numerals, Fractions

Mathematical, Punctuation

ff fi fl $¢£¥ƒ€¤#00123456789¹²³¼½¾%‰ ^~·++−±×÷≤≥=≠≈¬|¦∞◊∂µπ∆∏∑Ω√∫°ªº'"_—--‹›«»‚„’”‘“,. :;…?¿!¡()[]{}/\⁄*•�§†‡¶©℗®™@&—–-‹›«»¿¡()[]{}@

Floating Accents

Vafle Picto


! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z € ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ ‘ ’ “ ” – • — ˜ š ™ › Ÿ � ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¦ ¥ § ¨ © « ¬ − ® ¯ ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û

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